What we do

seated smiling male talking with gesturing hands seated smiling male talking with gesturing hands

One type of therapy is not suitable for everyone. That’s why we take care to ensure the form of therapy we provide is right for you. 

In our experience, problems that trouble people can have deep-rooted causes. This is why many of us find ourselves repeating old patterns and disappointments. Such problems need time to be carefully understood and thought about if change is to be made possible. 

So what type of therapy do we offer? Our analytic approach helps you to understand both the conscious and the unconscious processes that account for many troubling states of mind. This is done through developing a confidential, safe and trusting relationship with a therapist who won’t judge you, so that you can bring all of yourself to be thought about with them. 

If you decide to contact us, we would be pleased to hear from you. If you need to contact us about non-referral related matters please email us via admin@iccpsychotherapy.org.uk and someone will respond within 5 working days.