Members & Membership

seated therapists watching a presentation one female has a raised hand seated therapists watching a presentation one female has a raised hand

We are an organisation with a long and proud history, well established and respected in the psychotherapy and mental health community of London, with good networks to other mental health organisations and to the NHS.


ICC Psychotherapy members are highly qualified, trained in the psychoanalytic, psychodynamic  or Jungian traditions from major London psychotherapy programs. They come from various nationalities and backgrounds and include writers, actors, artists, and individuals with prior careers in fields like education, psychology, medicine and social work. We consider this diversity of knowledge and experience to be one of our organisation's greatest strengths.

Some of our members specialise in working with refugees, survivors of torture, chronic illness, eating disorders, time-limited therapy, couples therapy and group therapy. Additionally, several of our members provide therapy in languages other than English.


Our clinical standards are guided by principles of good practice and the ethical guidelines of our registering bodies. All ICC Psychotherapy members are required to engage in Continuing Professional Development as a condition of their registration and indeed ICC Psychotherapy provides a series of clinical forums for training and discussion.


The collegiate environment of ICC Psychotherapy offers members the benefits of professionally connecting with colleagues via involvement in working groups, access to mentors, the opportunity for arrangements for supervision and the clinical forum. We welcome enquiries from colleagues practicing in London who are looking for such a like-minded group. 

Applicants must hold full qualifications as psychoanalytic, Jungian analytic psychotherapists, or psychodynamic therapists, and be registered with either the BPC or the CPJA section of the UKCP.

To begin the process, please contact our ICC Psychotherapy administrator via email. Your details will be passed to the Membership Secretary, who will request your CV and the names of two referees, capable of commenting on your clinical skills. The next step involves a formal interview with two senior ICC members and sometimes a second interview. The interviewers will provide a report to the clinical committee, which will then make a recommendation for approval by the ICC Council.

New members are required to sign a Membership Agreement and are expected to maintain professional indemnity insurance and registration with either the BPC or the UKCP. Members are also required to provide the details of two clinical trustees, as per their professional will. An annual subscription fee is payable in September.

Members commit to maintaining two reduced-fee patients in their ICC caseload, participating in ICC working parties or committees, and attending our regular clinical forums. ICC Psychotherapy also has a consulting room in Bethnal Green which members can hire.